.. _usage: Usage ===== Creating the config form ------------------------ .. Tip:: Form's field names must be unique across forms, so you should prefix them with the name of your app. :: # forms.py from djconfig.forms import ConfigForm class AppConfigForm(ConfigForm): myapp_first_key = forms.BooleanField(initial=True, required=False) myapp_second_key = forms.IntegerField(initial=20) Registering the config form --------------------------- .. Tip:: Read the django_applications_docs_ .. _django_applications_docs: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/applications/ :: # apps.py from django.apps import AppConfig class MyAppConfig(AppConfig): name = 'myapp' verbose_name = "Myapp" def ready(self): self.register_config() # ... def register_config(self): import djconfig from .forms import MyConfigForm djconfig.register(MyConfigForm) Accessing the config -------------------- :: from djconfig import config if config.myapp_first_key: # ... Accessing the config within templates: :: # template.html # ... {% if config.myapp_first_key %} # ... {% endif %} Editing the config values ------------------------- :: # views.py @login_required def config_view(request): if not request.user.is_superuser: raise Http404 if request.method == 'POST': form = AppConfigForm(data=request.POST) if form.is_valid(): form.save() return redirect('/') else: form = AppConfigForm() return render(request, 'app/configuration.html', {'form': form, }) Testing helpers --------------- There is a helper similar to django's ``@override_settings`` that can be used in tests. :: # tests.py from djconfig.utils import override_djconfig @override_djconfig(myapp_first_key="foo", myapp_second_key="bar") def test_something(self): # ... Calling ``djconfig.reload_maybe()`` is required when unit testing. For example, it may be called within the test's ``setUp`` method to run it before each test. The middleware will call this, so it's not needed on integration tests that make use of django's test ``Client``. :: # tests.py import djconfig def setUp(self): djconfig.reload_maybe() Admin ----- Register a config form into django admin. The following example shows how to register a single form that contains all settings: :: # admin.py import djconfig from .forms import AppConfigForm class AppConfigAdmin(djconfig.admin.ConfigAdmin): change_list_form = AppConfigForm class AppConfig(djconfig.admin.Config): app_label = 'djconfig' verbose_name_plural = 'app config' slug = 'appconfig' djconfig.admin.register(AppConfig, AppConfigAdmin) The following example shows how to register a form in multiple apps: :: # myapp/admin.py import djconfig from .forms import MyAppConfigForm class MyAppConfigAdmin(djconfig.admin.ConfigAdmin): change_list_form = MyAppConfigForm class MyAppConfig(djconfig.admin.Config): app_label = 'myapp' verbose_name_plural = 'myapp config' slug = 'myappconfig' djconfig.admin.register(MyAppConfig, MyAppConfigAdmin) # myotherapp/admin.py import djconfig from .forms import MyOtherAppConfigForm class MyOtherAppConfigAdmin(djconfig.admin.ConfigAdmin): change_list_form = MyOtherAppConfigForm class MyOtherAppConfig(djconfig.admin.Config): app_label = 'myotherapp' verbose_name_plural = 'myotherapp config' slug = 'myotherappconfig' djconfig.admin.register(MyOtherAppConfig, MyOtherAppConfigForm)